
Saturday 18 May 2013

White Water...coming soon

We were walking together from English to Science and I saw Cody coming the other way. I groaned. Faron snorted with amusement at my discomfort. He kind of knew all about my terrible crush – I’d been complaining to him constantly since I’d first had to deal with Cody at the payment booth…
“Here comes lover boy.” Faron teased.
“Right back atcha.” I murmured as I saw who was behind him, “There’s Jared.”
“Oh, holy crap! This is so embarrassing now that you know!” Faron tried to make himself as inconspicuous as possible, but Jared had already removed himself from the crowd he was walking with and was making a beeline for him.
“Hey – Faron!” He called with a great big smile.
Faron made an incoherent squeaking noise that I took as panic and looked as though he was about to bolt in the opposite direction. I grabbed his arm and turned to him. “Don’t be stupid.”
Sophie Milestone, White Water...coming soon

Friday 17 May 2013

White Water...coming soon....

 “Dean isn’t right for me.”
“I could have told you that, weeks ago.”
He nodded with the ghost of a smile on his beautiful face. “Then why did you ask him out for me?”
Ah – he’d got me there. “Well – you wanted me to – what are friends for?” I know – as lame as they  come, but I’d been caught on the back foot…
“He hasn’t come out to his parents – by all accounts his dad would rather see me dead than see his son truly happy – so I’m thinking I should end it now before one or other of us gets too fond of the other.”
“So – you’re not… too fond of him… yet?”
Faron looked me straight in the eye and my stomach went all fluttery as I gazed back at him – surely he must have guessed by now how I felt about him?
 “No.” he said firmly. “I’m really not.”
I breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Right, well – you know – whatever you think is right.”
Faron frowned at me – I’m not surprised – I was being a right dick. “What would you do?” he asked.
“Um, well – now you come to mention it – I’d probably finish it – I finished with Chelsea last night…” I held my breath wondering what he’d say to that.
I chanced a look at him and nodded. “Yeah – it wasn’t going anywhere – and she fancies Brad Higgins – he’s more her type…” Damned right he was more her type – he was straight for starters…
Faron seemed to be in a world of his own; he was barely listening.
“Did you hear me?”
He jumped and looked at me a little guiltily. “Um – sorry – no I didn't.” he blushed. “I was wondering how best to tell Dean it was over...”
Jared, White Water...coming soon

White Water...coming soon...

“Faron.” I said; I couldn’t hold in my news any longer. I just hoped he was ready to really hear what I’d got to say.
“What?” he glanced down and must have thought I was protesting at him holding my hand as he immediately dropped it and put his hands in his pockets, looking all awkward.
I took a deep breath, “I came out to my parents.” I looked at him, wondering what his reaction was going to be.
He stared at me for the longest time, his mouth was slightly open as he gazed at me; all sorts of emotions flickered across his face. Finally he spoke. “But you’re not…”
Jared, White Water...coming soon.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

White Water....Coming Soon....

Cody was leaning against the veranda looking up at the trees. He had an adorable frown on his face. He turned to me, still frowning. “What are those big round things hanging off the trees?”
I looked up. The big round things that he was referring to was the parasitic plant mistletoe that had infested the trees.
Oh God he would ask that…“Um, it’s mistletoe.” I mumbled feeling mortally embarrassed.
He nodded. Then he raised an eyebrow, an impish grin on his face, “Really?” He asked. “Well, wouldn’t you know it? We’re stood right beneath it.”
Sophie Milestone, White Water...coming soon

If I Can't Have You...

His grin stretched across his face and his eyes danced. “I’m transferring back to sixth form,” He shrugged. “– I’m not doing so well at the college – away from all my mates.” His smile faded a little, “– and from you.”
Seeing his smile fade I asked in a small voice. “Am I still not in the mate category, then?”
He gave me a funny look that I was too groggy to analyse at the time. “You never really were.” He said quietly.
Leila Duval

New Series, coming Soon...

I looked up into the kindest face I’d seen in a long time. “Hello – are you Joshua’s brother?”
He nodded. “I am yes – I understand that you have suffered from some loss of memory – we don’t know if this was done to you, or from some sort of trauma but I’m hoping that my gift as a healer will make some sort of improvement…”
“Will it help me remember Joshua better?"
He grinned. “Boy – I hope so; he’s been hell to live with since you disappeared…” He stopped talking abruptly.
“I’m guessing there’s a little silent communication going on here?” I said with a smirk. I might have forgotten all about our past relationship, but memories or not, I already liked Joshua – a lot!
“I’m going to have to touch your head – just with my fingertips – I won’t hurt you, I promise.” Kelsey said and then he stopped talking again and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t tell me – you’re being told not to lay a finger on me or he’ll rip your heart out of your chest?”
Kelsey chuckled. “Are you sure you don’t remember?” he asked.

Kallie Jacobson, Only Human