
Saturday 31 October 2015

Let's get ready for Christmas....

Dylan let the one person he'd ever really loved slip through his fingers six years ago. Now, while he's having a quiet drink with his friends, Skye is stood a few feet away from him and he has two choices - he can do something stupid and tell him how he felt all those years ago and that he still feels the same way, or to let bygones be bygones... but it's Christmas and his miracle might happen...

Conner raised an eyebrow. “Did you do something stupid?” he asked with the ghost of a smile.
I nodded maintaining my no-eye-contact façade, “Yup,” I sighed.
He brightened and sat forward in his seat, “What? You mean… did you actually tell him?” he sounded pleased and incredulous all at the same time.
I rubbed my eyes and looked up at him sheepishly; I was never any good at the whole no-eye-contact thing anyway, “Yup,”
He looked hopefully at me, “And?” he asked with a hint of a smile.
I looked at the two eager faces before me. There wasn’t a trace of gleeful mickey taking in either of them. They both knew the way I’d felt about Skye back in school and sixth form – hell, sad git that I am, they knew that I’d never felt that way about anyone since too.
I shrugged, “He already knew,” I said. “He reckoned he looked for me to tell me he’d made a mistake but…” I trailed off.
“Well, why don’t you go over there and ask him to go out for a drink with you one night, then?” he nodded in the general direction of where I’d been stood talking to him.
I scratched my neck nervously, “I can’t do that – I’ll look all pathetic and needy.”
“I don’t want to knock your confidence, mate – but you are all pathetic and needy,” Biff leaned forward and patted me on the shoulder, “– we’ve been propping you up for years mate – It's Christmas, just get laid already.” Biff had such a nice turn of phrase.

Available now for pre-ordering from Amazon; release date 13th December 2015

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