
Friday 14 October 2016

This'll get your heart racing....

With my heart in my mouth, I climbed up onto River’s platform. I say River’s. It wasn’t really his, per se but he danced on this one the most – and most of the punters came to watch him.
There were going to be some disappointed guys down there tonight – but I didn’t much care – I wasn’t after any of them. I just wanted the one who was celebrating his birthday...
The music had a driving beat and I could feel it vibrating through my body. I closed my eyes and took in a deep, steadying breath. This was no different than kicking off the start line in a motocross race. I knew I could do it – I’d been practicing pole dancing at home for months – years even. It was brilliant for strengthening your core – which was a great asset in biking... Well, that was my excuse – I just loved pole-dancing if I was gonna be completely honest...
Opening my eyes, I started to dance. Everywhere I looked I was met with surprised eyes – eyes of men that had never given me a second glance before even when I was stretched across their tables to reach the glasses. Now, it seemed, I’d become their overnight object of desire. Fickle bastards...
I chanced a glance over at the bar. Seth and Simon and River and Jodie were all stood with their mouths open as they watched me. I grinned and did a little salute before I carried on with my routine.
It was a little disconcerting that Micha still had his back to me. Surely he’d want to know what all the fuss was about?
I glanced back again after a particularly tricky move that got the audience in uproar, to find that he wasn’t sat at the bar any longer.
My heart sank. Hell. Where did he go? Had he left?
I finished off my routine with a little flourish and made to get off the podium.
I felt a pair of warm, strong hands on my waist as I descended the steps. I whipped around, ready to snap at whoever it was that thought they could touch me to get their hands off. My eyes met with a pair that I hadn’t seen this close in a while and I wanted to let out a groan. Micha. At last...
“I didn’t know you danced.” He murmured, his eyes glowing with some sort of an emotion I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Was it lust? Desire? Or was it something stronger than that? Well, if it was, I seriously didn’t deserve it...
I shrugged, “I don’t usually.’ I said a little breathlessly, “I wait tables here at night to make ends meet.” Shouldn’t have said that... what was it about Micha that had me blurting out all sorts of shit I wouldn’t usually tell anyone?
His eyes widened, “So what were you doing up there?”
I grinned, “Attracting the attention of a famous motocross rider – well, you know, trying to anyway...”
His eyebrows shot up, “You knew I was here?”
I nodded shyly, feeling my face going red. We’d been friends for years before I broke both of our hearts that night in the hospital and now I had no idea how to talk to him – blurting out stuff that should be kept quiet aside, “I saw you walk in, so I asked River if he minded me dancing his regular slot instead of him – probably pissed more guys off than got them off, but to hell with them, right?” I smiled up at him.
Micha nodded, “Right, right.” He agreed, “But why?”
I sighed as I sat down beside him on one of the leather sofas that were nearer the back of the club where it was quieter, “Because I wanted to talk to you.” Wanted to kiss you, wanted to tear all your clothes off you and make mad, sweaty love to you – right here on the sofa...
He blinked, “What about?” he asked.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, “Everything.” I said. It was time he knew that I hadn’t rejected him out of anything other than fear for his safety. Not that he’d believe me now that he was a millionaire, heading for super-stardom while I was still working two jobs to make ends meet...

Pre-order from Amazon now... release date 31st October 2016

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