“You know, I’ve been thinking…”
I lifted my head off the cushion. I was all nestled up on and looked across at my best bud and confidante, “What?” I asked.
Dallas looked up from his task. He was painting my toenails for me – bright red – and yes, they looked absolutely fantastic. His beautiful hazel eyes danced and the corners of his mouth were curved up in a cheeky grin, “It’s really quite a plan,” he said gleefully, “I’m very proud of myself for thinking up such a fine plan.” He paused for effect. Seeing that I was completely intrigued his grin broadened, “Well, to be honest,” he shrugged modestly, “it’s a total no-brainer really. You just have to make him jealous.” He was referring to my very recent break-up with my boyfriend Danny Tanganelli. A very good-looking but very untrustworthy guy that I’d fallen head over heels in love with during the first couple of weeks of starting uni. He’d been really attentive to start with, but as the weeks passed he seemed to spend less and less time with me and more and more time with other girls – one girl in particular… Dallas put the brush back in the bottle and screwed the lid shut. He held up my foot and blew lightly across his handiwork to aid the drying. It felt nice.
“Jealous?” I looked at him doubtfully. “Danny slept with someone else, Dal, so I’m not sure jealousy is going to rate very highly in his range of emotions towards me – and I clearly wasn’t good enough for him to wait for,” I blushed as I spoke; it wasn’t easy talking about my total lack of sexual experience – even to Dallas, who was about the most understanding person I knew – and have ever known come to that, “what on earth could Ido to make him want me back?”
Dallas shrugged, “He just needs to see what he’s missing,” he grinned confidently and leaned forward slightly to grab my other leg so he could make a start on the next foot. His enthusiasm was catching. I found myself grinning back at him as he planted a little kiss on my ankle.
I loved it when he really grinned. It was the only time the dimple in his right cheek was obvious – and I’d always loved that dimple…
I raised an eyebrow, “Go on then,” I said with a laugh, “I’m listening.”
He leaned in towards me conspiratorially and lowered his voice to just above a whisper, “If you’ve got a newboyfriend. One that loves and adores you – one that positively worships the ground you walk on and tells everyonehow absolutely fantastic you are – he’s gonna want you back, like that.” Dallas snapped his fingers. The snap was very impressive.
I looked at him bemused; his plan sounded pretty good but how the hell was it gonna work? “Well, okay – that’s as maybe,” I agreed, “but where am I gonna findmyself such a perfect boyfriend?” I looked at him perplexed.
My jaw dropped as he pushed my leg off his lap, stood up and swept a bow. “Look no further,” he said looking up at me, “I’m right here.” He sat back down and pulled my leg back onto his lap. He picked up the bottle of nail polish and gave it a little shake. Unscrewing the lid, he very precisely got rid of the excess and carefully started applying the bright red polish to my big toe, a big sappy grin on his face.
I gaped at him; Dallas and I had been friends for a long time and between you and me, I’d always suspected he was gay – well, he waspainting my toenails like it was an every-day activity for him – and he was incredibly good at it too… My toes looked almost as good as his finger nails which were a perpetual shade of high gloss black…
We met during the first few hours of fresher’s week at uni. We literally ran into each and we’ve been really good friends ever since. I really liked him – the idea of us being ‘together’ together, however, was frankly absurd and not something I’d ever considered. I grant you he already had a girlfriend when we met – or so he’d said but I honestly thought she was just a cover... Like me, he was single right now; I guess that was why he was spending so much time with me, since they’d apparently finished a couple of months ago, but even then, it never occurred to me to think about him in that way. We were just mates – and I rather thought things were pretty much perfect the way they were between us. No one would believe it if we suddenly announced that we were ‘together’ together… most people thought he was my gay best friend – although in all fairness that was probably because it was the way I described him to everyone, but still… “You?” I asked doubtfully.
He nodded, “Me.” He said looking totally smug. He screwed the cap down on the bottle and blew my toenails again on my other foot, making a shiver go up my leg. There was no denying it – gay or not, he was a sensual guy… “Are you up for ‘Operation Boyfriend’ or what? Because I promise you. I’ll be the bestboyfriend you’ve ever had.”
Well, that I could believe since I only had one other guy to compare him to and that was Danny the cheater. I couldn’t help it, I grinned back at him, “Hell, yeah.” I said. This might actually be kind of fun…
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