Dad patted my knee, “It’ll be fine, son. I know a short-cut.”
Well they were famous last words... Dad turned off and headed in the completely wrong direction. I looked around at the unfamiliar streets, “Where are we going, Dad?” I asked in mild panic.
“Your father knows these streets like the back of his hand…” Mum piped up proudly from the back seat.
I snorted as we passed a road sign, “Then why are we headed for Birmingham, right now?” I muttered. Seriously? Asking for help from Dad was sometimes a real challenge.
He grinned and patted my knee reassuringly, “I’ll loop back on the ring road, son. Don’t worry.”
I tried my best to relax. I still had twenty minutes, after all…We pulled up at the traffic lights and somehow or other, Dad managed to stall the engine. I glared at him. “Are you freaking serious,right now?” I snapped, beginning to lose any remaining patience I was managing to hold on to...
“Oh, my God.” I muttered as I shut the bedroom window. “Could they be more obvious?”
San Antonio and Seth were definitely getting more and more brazen. I was surprised they hadn’t been caught before now.
It was a stifling twenty-five degrees out there, which was surprising, since it was almost the end of September, and I preferred to have the windows shut with the air-con cranked up to max but Mum wasn’t a great fan of me spending all day and all night in my room and had come upstairs to ‘air’ the house.
She appeared in my bedroom doorway, almost giving me a heart attack. Usually she left me well alone… “Open that window and let some fresh air in!” she said, nodding to my window.
I bit my lip. If I opened the window, it would be all over for San Antonio and Seth – and they’d only just sorted everything out. There was just no way…
“I will in a bit.” I said, “I’ve just got the temperature in here perfect.”
Mum was in a bit of a mood, “Rubbish!” she said, marching towards my window, “I’ll do it myself!
Holy shit! She had hearing like a hawk. If she opened that window, San Antonio might as well kiss goodbye to his balls – because she’d be straight down the stairs and around to the treehouse to rip them off… “No!” I shouted, leaping off my bed and standing in front of her, “I said I’d do it. Just give me a minute!”
Maybe I’d been too hasty, or maybe Mum was having a Miss Marple moment, but she totally smelled a rat. “What are you hiding?” she asked suspiciously.
I blinked, “Nothing.” I replied, trying to look all innocent. It wasn’t me hiding anything. No doubt Seth was currently hiding the sausage but I didn’t really want to think about that right now, or ever, actually…
Mum narrowed her eyes, “Out of the way.” She demanded.
I sincerely hoped they’d finished and were now totally blissed out on each other and staring at the ceiling talking shit like they always did…
No such luck. As soon as the window was open, I could hear San Antonio and Seth as loud as anything...
Mum spun around and glared at me, “How long have you known this was going on?” she asked.
I shrugged, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled, “What’s going on?”
She came over to me and leaned down menacingly, “I’ll deal with you later.” She growled before sweeping out of my room.

I was just about to get ready for bed when another text came through.
I scrambled to a sitting position and fumbled for my phone.
All the tension I’d been feeling seemed to just drain away as I read the message.
“Are you still awake?”
I grinned and typed out an immediate reply, “Of course I am.”
“Good. Listen, can I call you instead of texting? I’m not a fan of getting writers’ cramp. I’ve got a better use for my right hand.”He sent an emoji of an aubergine and two laughing faces.
I shook my head. Chuckling to myself I sent back a smiley face. Seconds later, my screen lit up with a picture of El Paso pulling a silly face. I had no idea when he’d added that to my phone but it made me laugh all the same. “Hey, El.” I said.
His breathy voice came through loud and clear, "Lyle!" He exclaimed in a hushed whisper, "There's been a development."
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