Harley and Alfie’s Wedding...
I sidled over to my brother, who I could see was completely taken with Seth. I had to tell him that he was totally barking up the wrong tree.
“Forget it, he’s straight.” I warned.
Joel turned around and looked at me with a puzzled frown, “Straight? Are you sure?”
I nodded. Probably not absolutely straight, but he was convinced of it so who was I to argue? “ Definitely.” I said loyally.
I smiled as I heard him sigh under his breath and mutter, “What a waste...”
I still thought that I should hammer the message home. He had that look about him that told me he wasn’t about to give up. I’d grown up with this little monster to keep on the straight and narrow – and it had never been what you could call easy... “He’s got a girlfriend, dude. Look somewhere else. There are plenty to choose from.”
He looked at me with a slightly annoyed look on his face, “I was only looking.” He snapped, “Everyone’s allowed to window-shop.”
I grinned, “But not at Seth. He’s in love with that woman,” I nodded towards Siobhan, Seth’s girlfriend of the last few months, “ask anyone.” I felt it prudent to add.
He nodded, “Alright, alright – keep your hair on.” He sighed again, beginning to look a little defeated, “But if he wasn’t... God, he’d be absolutely perfect...”
I was aware that my brother, Joel, wasn’t exactly straight but I’d never seen him getting so hot and bothered about a guy before. This was as serious as I’d ever seen him about a girl or a guy before and I was kind of surprised – not to say disappointed for him that the object of his desire was very loved up with his girlfriend...
“Are you absolutely sure he’s straight?” He asked, turning tortured eyes on me.
I shrugged, “Well, everyone here seems to think he is.” I said. I couldn’t really start gossiping about the guy’s penchant for sucking the odd dick when he was drunk with random guys. It was hardly my business...
Joel looked totally perturbed. “My gaydar has never let me down before.” He murmured, more to himself than to me, “I was so damned sure...”
I patted his arm. “Don’t sweat it – most people think the same thing.” I said. In fact I was pretty damned sure Seth was, at the very least, bisexual. How he couldn’t be when he got off with guys when he was drunk, I didn’t know. He just insisted he was straight when he was sober. I was quite convinced he was in denial...
I could see my new husband and his brother having a discussion over by the bar.
I didn’t want to go wading in and spoiling a heart to heart between brothers, but as pathetic as it sounded, I was missing him already. I could cope on my own. I wasn’t that pathetic, but since he’d rescued me from my ex from hell, I’d never really wanted to be apart from him. Hell, I should never have gotten involved with that awful guy. My heart had always belonged to Harley from the first moment our eyes had met. He felt exactly the same way about me and finally we’d tied the knot. My heart swelled with pride to see him there. My husband. Mine!
Harley must have sensed that I was watching him and he looked up and smiled at me. I grinned back at him and waved.
He came over to me, “Hey, baby.” He murmured, rubbing his nose against mine, “Ready for the honeymoon of a lifetime?”
I nodded, “Always.” I breathed.
He grinned, “Come on then.” he said, “It’s time we were leaving.”
I gaped at him. “Now?” I squawked.
He grinned, “Now.” He said with a nod, “Come on – we’ve got a flight at midnight. I know the timings were crap but I wanted to spoil you – and Hawaii seemed the place to go.”
I squealed and flung my arms around his neck. “Hawaii?” I exclaimed, “You are the best!”
He chuckled, “No,” he said, shaking his head, “You’re the best, sweetheart. I love you and I will love you for as long as there is breath in my body. You are everything to me.”
I sighed as I rested my head against his shoulder, “And you mean everything to me too. I’ll love you forever too.”
He hugged me close, “I know.” He said, “I know.”
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