Thank you so much for your support over the last year. I've had some absolutely wonderful reviews of my books - and some not so wonderful but you can't win 'em all!
I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Loads of love
Heather x
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Harley & Alfie's Wedding... Bonus Chapter...

Harley and Alfie’s Wedding...
I sidled over to my brother, who I could see was completely taken with Seth. I had to tell him that he was totally barking up the wrong tree.
“Forget it, he’s straight.” I warned.
Joel turned around and looked at me with a puzzled frown, “Straight? Are you sure?”
I nodded. Probably not absolutely straight, but he was convinced of it so who was I to argue? “ Definitely.” I said loyally.
I smiled as I heard him sigh under his breath and mutter, “What a waste...”
I still thought that I should hammer the message home. He had that look about him that told me he wasn’t about to give up. I’d grown up with this little monster to keep on the straight and narrow – and it had never been what you could call easy... “He’s got a girlfriend, dude. Look somewhere else. There are plenty to choose from.”
He looked at me with a slightly annoyed look on his face, “I was only looking.” He snapped, “Everyone’s allowed to window-shop.”
I grinned, “But not at Seth. He’s in love with that woman,” I nodded towards Siobhan, Seth’s girlfriend of the last few months, “ask anyone.” I felt it prudent to add.
He nodded, “Alright, alright – keep your hair on.” He sighed again, beginning to look a little defeated, “But if he wasn’t... God, he’d be absolutely perfect...”
I was aware that my brother, Joel, wasn’t exactly straight but I’d never seen him getting so hot and bothered about a guy before. This was as serious as I’d ever seen him about a girl or a guy before and I was kind of surprised – not to say disappointed for him that the object of his desire was very loved up with his girlfriend...
“Are you absolutely sure he’s straight?” He asked, turning tortured eyes on me.
I shrugged, “Well, everyone here seems to think he is.” I said. I couldn’t really start gossiping about the guy’s penchant for sucking the odd dick when he was drunk with random guys. It was hardly my business...
Joel looked totally perturbed. “My gaydar has never let me down before.” He murmured, more to himself than to me, “I was so damned sure...”
I patted his arm. “Don’t sweat it – most people think the same thing.” I said. In fact I was pretty damned sure Seth was, at the very least, bisexual. How he couldn’t be when he got off with guys when he was drunk, I didn’t know. He just insisted he was straight when he was sober. I was quite convinced he was in denial...
I could see my new husband and his brother having a discussion over by the bar.
I didn’t want to go wading in and spoiling a heart to heart between brothers, but as pathetic as it sounded, I was missing him already. I could cope on my own. I wasn’t that pathetic, but since he’d rescued me from my ex from hell, I’d never really wanted to be apart from him. Hell, I should never have gotten involved with that awful guy. My heart had always belonged to Harley from the first moment our eyes had met. He felt exactly the same way about me and finally we’d tied the knot. My heart swelled with pride to see him there. My husband. Mine!
Harley must have sensed that I was watching him and he looked up and smiled at me. I grinned back at him and waved.
He came over to me, “Hey, baby.” He murmured, rubbing his nose against mine, “Ready for the honeymoon of a lifetime?”
I nodded, “Always.” I breathed.
He grinned, “Come on then.” he said, “It’s time we were leaving.”
I gaped at him. “Now?” I squawked.
He grinned, “Now.” He said with a nod, “Come on – we’ve got a flight at midnight. I know the timings were crap but I wanted to spoil you – and Hawaii seemed the place to go.”
I squealed and flung my arms around his neck. “Hawaii?” I exclaimed, “You are the best!”
He chuckled, “No,” he said, shaking his head, “You’re the best, sweetheart. I love you and I will love you for as long as there is breath in my body. You are everything to me.”
I sighed as I rested my head against his shoulder, “And you mean everything to me too. I’ll love you forever too.”
He hugged me close, “I know.” He said, “I know.”
Friday, 17 November 2017
End of the year round-up...

Sorry that I've been so terribly remiss at keeping a monthly update going... you know how it is... you start these things and then never manage to keep them going...
So... here's an end of the year round up of what's going on in my world and what you can expect to see in 2018...

I also have a couple of novella's planned around the nightclub before I'm completely done with the series - I love those boys so much...
I have a whole new series in the making in The Band and those will all be released in 2018 - starting from around March if everything goes to plan.
My Riverside series will also end in 2018 - I'm working on the Weddings and also on Emilio's story - but if I'm honest, they're coming along pretty slowly since I've been swamped with my other projects. I will get back to them though, I promise!

My other series that may or may not be released in 2018 is my Mr Right series - oh, and I also have a few more What If's up my sleeve!
Busy, busy, busy!
Anyway... Have a great Christmas and New year - and I'll post another update in January!
In the meantime, why not meet Kurt, Kane and Elliot? Curl up and enjoy a quiet moment with my Last Christmas series... Full of snow and fairy lights and warm, fuzzy feelings of love! Ahh, bliss...
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Get romantic this Christmas with my festive new series...
I’d been so damned focused on my own truth-or-dare challenge, I hadn’t been paying proper attention. Now it occurred to me that the very beautiful and very sexy Kane had pulled a name from the hat... and that name was mine. Shit. He was far too good-looking for this...
He smiled at me. I smiled back. Why wouldn’t I? He was gorgeous...
My eyes flickered towards Elliot who was gazing at Cristian with a bit of a love-struck expression on his beautiful face. I sighed. There was no way he was ever going to be interested in me. If I was honest, I wasn’t really bothered; I was just suffering from a little hurt pride. I’d spent money on him last Christmas – the least he could have done was to give me the gift back and tell me he wasn’t interested.
Kane’s eyes followed mine to look at his friend. They narrowed slightly as he took in what I’d just seen. Elliot was clearly setting his sights on Cristian. Kane took me slightly by surprise when seconds later, he was grabbing hold of my waist and lunging at me...
As his lips bumped a little clumsily against mine I had my epiphany. I closed my eyes and parted my lips. I was instantly in heaven. It was almost as if I’d been put on this earth just to meet Kane. I honestly felt that I’d been waiting my whole life to kiss the perfect man and he’d just been delivered in the sexiest packaging imaginable. Oh, my God! Talk about your ultimate Christmas miracle!
Desperate... Release date 15th November 2017
Kurt had gone to bed by the time I got back so I couldn’t talk to him until the next morning.
With a flash of genius inspiration I started to cook bacon. No one could resist the smell of bacon... He appeared in about ten seconds.
“Bacon?” he asked, looking at me hopefully.
I raised my eyebrows at him. “You get yours when you tell me what happened to Jonny’s nose.”
He went red, “He was disrespecting you.” He said sullenly, “I didn’t like it.”
Well. I hadn’t expected that. I looked at him, “He was disrespecting me?” I asked, “How? What did he say?”
He went, if possible, even redder, “He said you were a good lay, that you were nothing but a quick roll in the sack and that he didn’t think you had any sort of future.”
I blinked. He might have put it crudely, which had clearly offended Kurt, but in all fairness, he’d got it bang on the money – because that was exactly the way I felt about him too... “Okay.”
Kurt frowned, “Okay?” he echoed, “What’s okay about that?”
I shrugged, “Well, it’s not like I’m in love with him or anything – we’ve just been messing around.”
Kurt scowled at me, “Well, I think you should choose better guys to mess around with – he’s a right wanker.”
Suppressing a smile I nodded. “Okay,” I agreed, “Good idea.”
Oblivious... Release date 1st December 2017

I felt my face heating up. Shit. Was I that transparent? Sebastian had only met me a handful of times since he and Kurt got together last year – the last time being when they were home for the summer break. It had now rolled back around to the winter break and since Kurt had missed Christmas with his family last year, due to realising that he’d fallen headlong in love with his roommate, Sebastian, and had only been back for the New Year; they’d come over to us straight from university for Christmas this year, with plans to spend the first part of their Christmas break with us and to go back to Seb’s family for the New Year. “There’s no special guy.” I mumbled – lying through my teeth of course but there was no way I was about to tell them.
Kane raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “So why are you blushing?”
“Get lost, will you?” I said defensively. Well, wasn’t that the wrong thing to say? All four of them turned to me with their mouths open and then...
“Oh, my God!” That was George.
“You really have met someone!” That was Kane, looking utterly delighted for me.
“What’s his name?” That was Sebastian.
“The boy’s finally been tamed. We have to meet this mystical creature.” And that was Kurt, grinning knowingly and looking like a Cheshire cat.
I smiled bashfully back at them all, my heart swelling with their combined enthusiasm, “I’d love you to meet him but he’s rarely around here – he’s a flight attendant...”
I didn’t actually expect any of them to know whom I was talking about, since he didn’t even live in France anymore. He was from across the border and his family lived in Turin, but he had his own apartment in Les Arcs and he spent most of his down time skiing in the winter and mountain biking in the summer. He was totally into the same things that I was. He was amazing...
I was wrong about them being clueless though. Kurt was right on it. “Are you talking about Cristian Llardi by any chance?”
Determined... Release date 15th December 2017
Determined... Release date 15th December 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
Available now for pre-ordering!
Sitting in my booth at the club I rarely frequented, while nursing my glass of cola, just to be doing something rather than being at home on my night off where it was becoming more than unbearable to be, I couldn’t help overhearing a conversation going on in the booth right next to me.
Some guy was having a drink with another guy – but the arsehole of the two of them seemed to be under the impression that the other one wanted to go home with him – and that really wasn’t what it sounded like to me…
“Let go of my arm, dude.” His voice had gone up in volume and he sounded kind of annoyed as opposed to scared, but you know how you get a feeling sometimes?
That was it. I’d heard enough… I shot out of my seat and rounded the corner, “You heard him.” I snarled, “Let go of my friend’s arm.” I’d acted on instinct and well before I’d even had a good look at the aggressor. I wasn’t unduly worried – being built like a rugby player (I played at school but I really didn’t fancy ending up with cauliflower ears or a broken nose and missing teeth and gave it up before I left for university) I was pretty well built and strong enough to take on pretty much anyone – that said, I wasn’t a street-fighter kind of guy and I wouldn’t dream of carrying a knife – but I knew nothing of this guy... At this point I still hadn’t even looked at the guy being manhandled. As much as I knew, he might have been totally able to take care of himself for the notice I’d taken before wading in. It was a terrible weakness of mine...
I decided to check at that moment and I’m not gonna lie to you, my knees about buckled when he looked around at me with a slightly surprised look on his beautiful face. Holy shit, Date Guy was the most beautiful guy I’d ever laid eyes on – and since he was on a date with another guy, I was pretty confident that he must also be gay…
The bully decided it was time for a sharp exit as he looked up, and up again (six feet five – what can I say? I’m huge) and Date Guy smiled up at me, “Thanks.” He said, “I was handling it – but thanks anyway.”
Some guy was having a drink with another guy – but the arsehole of the two of them seemed to be under the impression that the other one wanted to go home with him – and that really wasn’t what it sounded like to me…
“Let go of my arm, dude.” His voice had gone up in volume and he sounded kind of annoyed as opposed to scared, but you know how you get a feeling sometimes?
That was it. I’d heard enough… I shot out of my seat and rounded the corner, “You heard him.” I snarled, “Let go of my friend’s arm.” I’d acted on instinct and well before I’d even had a good look at the aggressor. I wasn’t unduly worried – being built like a rugby player (I played at school but I really didn’t fancy ending up with cauliflower ears or a broken nose and missing teeth and gave it up before I left for university) I was pretty well built and strong enough to take on pretty much anyone – that said, I wasn’t a street-fighter kind of guy and I wouldn’t dream of carrying a knife – but I knew nothing of this guy... At this point I still hadn’t even looked at the guy being manhandled. As much as I knew, he might have been totally able to take care of himself for the notice I’d taken before wading in. It was a terrible weakness of mine...
I decided to check at that moment and I’m not gonna lie to you, my knees about buckled when he looked around at me with a slightly surprised look on his beautiful face. Holy shit, Date Guy was the most beautiful guy I’d ever laid eyes on – and since he was on a date with another guy, I was pretty confident that he must also be gay…
The bully decided it was time for a sharp exit as he looked up, and up again (six feet five – what can I say? I’m huge) and Date Guy smiled up at me, “Thanks.” He said, “I was handling it – but thanks anyway.”
Pre-Order now exclusively from Amazon... Release date 1st January 2018
Saturday, 21 October 2017
The Studs and Steel Series continues...

“Are you sure it’s okay for us to be up here?” I
asked nervously, “Will they keep coming up to check on us?”
Bailey laughed, “No, babe.” He said, “They trust
me to make my own judgements now that I’m an adult.”
I nodded, feeling completely stupid. My parents
hadn’t seemed to notice that all three of their children were becoming adults.
There was only Darcy left to turn eighteen next week... “Right, right.” I stammered,
He frowned slightly and looked as if he was going
to say something, but he stopped himself and changed the subject, offering for
us to play on his games console. Well, I was happy to do that...
We started to play but I could tell that there was
something bothering Bailey. I wasn’t in the slightest bit surprised when he
brought up my family.
“So uh, Buzz doesn’t live at home then?”
I shook my head, “Uh, no. He uh, left when he was
Bailey blinked, “Sixteen?” he squawked, “Christ,
that was young.”
I nodded, “Yeah, he uh, he didn’t get on with Dad...”
Fuck. This was getting into dangerous territory. I could feel my armpits
beginning to prickle. I hated talking about them, hated it...
Bailey raised an eyebrow, “Oh, right – why is that,
I shrugged, “They, uh, they just never really saw
eye to eye. I guess it’s the way with dads and sons sometimes. He’s my step-dad
so we’ve never really had the same sort of dramas.” Because I just rolled over and died and did as I was told to keep the
“Right.” Bailey seemed to accept and carried on playing the game. I bit my lip. It was on the end of my tongue and I could have totally gotten everything off my chest that I wanted to tell him about my shitty double life and my awful situation of pretending to be straight and having to hide everything I did, including my friends and now the most important person of all – him – from my parents. But the moment turned into five minutes and the opportunity was lost. Next time. I’d tell him next time...
Simon... Simon Spellbound, Coming Soon...
I woke up. For a second, just like every
morning , I turned over, expecting to see her next to
me – for a second I forgot that my life was over...
Then, as it did every single day, it all hit me
again. My chest ached with the overwhelming feeling of loss. My skin started to
tingle, and I was almost able to feel the burning through my clothes.
I was reliving the car accident. Hearing her
screaming again, as loud as if we were right there, going through it all again and
then finally the gut-twisting, ominous silence. And even though her screams of
pain were quite possibly the most awful sound I’d ever heard in my life, the
silence was worse – because that meant she’d gone. And she was never coming
Seth... Seth Saved, Coming Soon...
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Pre-Order Now! Last Christmas Series...
I’d been so
damned focused on my own truth-or-dare challenge, I hadn’t been paying proper
attention. Now it occurred to me that the very beautiful and very sexy Kane had
pulled a name from the hat... and that name was mine. Shit. He was far too good-looking for this...
He smiled at
me. I smiled back. Why wouldn’t I? He was gorgeous...
My eyes
flickered towards Elliot who was gazing at Cristian with a bit of a love-struck
expression on his beautiful face. I sighed. There was no way he was ever going
to be interested in me. If I was honest, I wasn’t really bothered; I was just
suffering from a little hurt pride. I’d spent money on him last Christmas – the
least he could have done was to give me the gift back and tell me he wasn’t
Kane’s eyes
followed mine to look at his friend. They narrowed slightly as he took in what
I’d just seen. Elliot was clearly setting his sights on Cristian. Kane took me
slightly by surprise when seconds later, he was grabbing hold of my waist and
lunging at me...
As his lips
bumped a little clumsily against mine I had my epiphany. I closed my eyes and
parted my lips. I was instantly in heaven. It was almost as if I’d been put on
this earth just to meet Kane. I honestly felt that I’d been waiting my whole
life to kiss the perfect man and he’d just been delivered in the sexiest packaging
imaginable. Oh, my God! Talk about your ultimate Christmas miracle!
Desperate... Release date 15th November 2017
Kurt had gone
to bed by the time I got back so I couldn’t talk to him until the next morning.
With a flash
of genius inspiration I started to cook bacon. No one could resist the smell of bacon... He appeared in about ten
“Bacon?” he
asked, looking at me hopefully.
I raised my
eyebrows at him. “You get yours when you tell me what happened to Jonny’s
He went red,
“He was disrespecting you.” He said sullenly, “I didn’t like it.”
Well. I
hadn’t expected that. I looked at him, “He was disrespecting me?” I asked, “How?
What did he say?”
He went, if
possible, even redder, “He said you were a good lay, that you were nothing but
a quick roll in the sack and that he didn’t think you had any sort of future.”
I blinked.
He might have put it crudely, which had clearly offended Kurt, but in all
fairness, he’d got it bang on the money – because that was exactly the way I
felt about him too... “Okay.”
frowned, “Okay?” he echoed, “What’s
okay about that?”
I shrugged,
“Well, it’s not like I’m in love with him or anything – we’ve just been messing
Kurt scowled
at me, “Well, I think you should choose better guys to mess around with – he’s
a right wanker.”
a smile I nodded. “Okay,” I agreed, “Good idea.”
Oblivious... Release date 1st December 2017

I felt my
face heating up. Shit. Was I that transparent? Sebastian had only met
me a handful of times since he and Kurt got together last year – the last time
being when they were home for the summer break. It had now rolled back around
to the winter break and since Kurt had missed Christmas with his family last
year, due to realising that he’d fallen headlong in love with his roommate,
Sebastian, and had only been back for the New Year; they’d come over to us
straight from university for Christmas this year, with plans to spend the first
part of their Christmas break with us and to go back to Seb’s family for the
New Year. “There’s no special guy.” I mumbled – lying through my teeth of
course but there was no way I was about to tell them.
Kane raised
an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “So why are you blushing?”
“Get lost,
will you?” I said defensively. Well, wasn’t that the wrong thing to say? All
four of them turned to me with their mouths open and then...
“Oh, my God!” That was George.
“You really have met someone!” That was Kane,
looking utterly delighted for me.
“What’s his
name?” That was Sebastian.
“The boy’s
finally been tamed. We have to meet this mystical creature.” And that was Kurt,
grinning knowingly and looking like a Cheshire cat.
I smiled
bashfully back at them all, my heart swelling with their combined enthusiasm, “I’d
love you to meet him but he’s rarely around here – he’s a flight attendant...”
I didn’t
actually expect any of them to know whom I was talking about, since he didn’t
even live in France anymore. He was from across the border and his family lived
in Turin, but he had his own apartment in Les Arcs and he spent most of his
down time skiing in the winter and mountain biking in the summer. He was
totally into the same things that I was. He was amazing...
I was wrong
about them being clueless though. Kurt was right on it. “Are you talking about Cristian
Llardi by any chance?”
Determined... Release date 15th December 2017
Determined... Release date 15th December 2017
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