First and foremost, thanks to everyone who has bought my latest release, Best Boyfriend Ever in the Boys Next Door series - and I really hope you all enjoyed it.
I've got the eighth in the series scheduled to be released on 31st October 2016 but as I've mentioned already, there's a bit of a problem over at Amazon at the moment and it's stuck in the publishing stage - I'll let you know as soon as this is fixed and available for pre-ordering.

I'm currently writing number 9 in the series, which will be ready for 1st December, and this is a Christmas story with a large helping of snow, mistletoe and all the trimmings!
This will be the last of the Boy Next Door Series, but don't despair, I have plenty more adorable guys to go around in my Studs & Steel Series, which launches on 1st November 2016 with Peyton Protected and I'm also writing the second of my "What If...?" Series, which I'm having a lot of fun with...
If you're wondering how the sour-dough turned out - well, I tried... and that's all I can say about that... It was awful! However, I had another recipe for focaccia and that's pretty damned good - if a little hard the day after - but it's pretty decent toasted - or with soup... Anyway... I've got to say that I'm absolutely hooked on the Paralympics - in much the same way as I was the Olympics and I have no idea what I'm going to do when it's all over. Probably start writing another series - inspired by the games... I shall hopefully have a little more to tell you next time. Have a great weekend x
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