
Thursday, 1 December 2011


Well, here it is at last, the first day of December.
Just another day for many, but for me it is the first day of Christmas - it's kinda big in our house...
So last night, when my husband got home from work he looked at me and I grinned at him like a little kid. He rolled his eyes and said. "I suppose you want me to get the decorations out of the garage roof..."
My grin got a little bigger (which with a mouth the size of mine isn't exactly difficult!)
"Yes Please!" I said.
So we trouped into the garage and the next ten minutes was spent falling out with each other spectacularly as he climbed the ladder and started lowering boxes to me.
"What the hell were you thinking - putting something this size up here?"
"I didn't put it up there - you did!"
"You packed the boxes!"
It went on like this for some time - anyone passing the house would have been laughing their socks off at the truly ridiculous domestic going on!
So - today I have the mammoth task of decorating my two beautiful christmas trees and the rest of the house. Can't wait!! I'll take a picture and put it on my page for all to see!

Onto business....
The Chosen One has finally started coming together really well. I'd kind of lost my way with it a bit - I think I was too wrapped up in Bradley's Bad Decision to concentrate on anything else - anyway I'm really happy with the way it's going, but there is no way on earth it'll be ready for Christmas - it's kind of epic....
I've done 30 000 words already and it had barely got going!
The good news is that I know exactly where I'm going with it and I've still got a few days before I have to go back to work!
So - A very Merry Christmas to all of you and have a great day!

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