
Friday, 2 September 2011

Home, Sweet Home!

Ahhh. So nice to be home.
I love going on holiday, but equally - I love coming home again.
It's so nice to cuddle the cat and kick back and relax.
I will definitely go back to St Ives again. It's a really beautiful part of England and I really love the sea. Being in the middle of the country just doesn't give you the same views!
Anyway, now that I'm home again, it's back to work on those books that I've been neglecting for the past seven days!
Midnight Moon will definitely be out in the next week or two. Just tidying up the last bits of editing and reading through to make sure it really does make sense. Then I'll get cracking on Amethyst's Dating Game, which I've really been neglecting for a while.
After I've got that one finished, I might try to get The Chosen One somewhere near completed and of course there's the last one in the Stan Trilogy to finish. Good Heavens - I've got a lot to do haven't I???
Better go then and get started! See you later xx

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