Get into the Christmas with my Last Christmas Series...
“Bacon?” he asked, looking at me hopefully.
Suppressing a smile, I nodded. "Okay," I agreed, "Good idea."

I stared at Ellis, probably for longer than was strictly polite, “You’ve got a date?” I asked, sounding even to myself slightly accusingly. How? When did you meet this guy and finally, why when you’ve already got me?
Of course, I didn’t voice the last bit and thank God I hadn’t, since he clearly hadn’t been thinking about me when he’d decided to download the stupid app and accept a date with this stupidly handsome guy.
He nodded, smiling at me happily. In that moment, I could have been sick with jealousy. Why did I always miss my chance? And when I say that, I mean why the hell didn’t I kiss him on Valentine’s Day when he gave me my flowers? The chance had been right there for the taking. Cupid must have been punching the wall with frustration at my utter stupidity...
“Th-that’s great.” I forced a smile, “What’s his name?”
“Cooper.” He said, glowing with some sort of inner happiness I’d never seen in him before, “The only slight issue is that he’s a Capricorn.”
I frowned. Seriously? He’d met the perfect man but he’d been born in the wrong month? Was that really something to get his knickers in a knot about? “So what?” I asked, “Why is that important?”
Ellis blinked, “Compatibility, Heath.” He said as if I was completely stupid, “His star sign and mine are only mostly, compatible – and I want perfection.”
“So, what’s your star sign?” I asked, trying not to scoff at his wildly unrealistic expectations, “And how do you know what’s compatible and not.” What a load of rubbish he was talking.
“I’m Aquarius, so obviously my best match would be Aries but I guess Capricorn can work...” He bit his lip and I knew he didn’t believe it.
My heartbeat quickened. I was an Aries. Maybe there was something in what he was saying after all... “What’s so great about Aries and Aquarius together, then?” I asked.
He sighed, a dreamy look coming across his face that made me want to lean in and kiss him, “Both signs have an adventurous streak.” He said, his eyes actually glazing over and making parts of me respond somewhat embarrassingly to say I was at work.
“Oh, yeah?” I asked, the devil in me wanting to know where he’d take this rather interesting conversation next.
He nodded, “Yeah,” he said, totally warming to his subject, his eyes beginning to sparkle with something I would guess at being lust – and my God, I liked a lusty Ellis... “Like being up for absolutely anything – in and out of the bedroom.” He giggled, covering his mouth with his hand as he did so. He was adorably sexy. “And they work as a team – like you and me, I guess.”
Well, it’s taken you long enough to realise that, my friend. I’ve been right here, under your nose for more than half of the goddamn year! We need to get rid of this extra guy who isn’t even astrologically compatible with you...
All of this was, thankfully, screamed inside the confines of my head instead of in his face. I wasn’t sure how that would have landed.
“The best thing about them,” he started up again, completely oblivious to my inner monologue, “Is that where other couples can get fed up with each other, these two always manage to stay strong and always enjoy being in each other’s company. But they also know the importance of hanging out with their own friends and having some alone time as well. They’re perfect together. Perfect.” He sighed happily as if he’d found his Mr right already and to be fair he had, it was me – but he was going out with the wrong guy!
“But this guy is Capricorn, you say?” I was poking the bear and I knew it but I was unable to stop myself from doing so. My jealousy of this interloper was running high.
Ellis gave me one of his looks. It was quite amazing how many of them he had. I can honestly say that I loved each and every one of them. “I didn’t say that Cooper was going to end up the love of my life,” he replied a little snootily, “but I’m hopeful that we might mean something to each other.”
Ellis was pinning far too much hope on this guy for my liking. I on the other hand, was hoping against hope, selfishly, I’ll admit, that he was a total twat on the first date... But that was mean of me. I wanted Ellis to be happy and if it hadn’t occurred to him that he could be happy with me, then that was going to have to be okay with me because it wasn’t his fault if he wasn’t attracted to me in the same way as I was attracted to him. And he had to remain professional, too. I was kind of hoping he’d allow me to buy into his business as a partner one of these days, so it wouldn’t do for me to mess it up through being jealous of his boyfriend...
I was going to have to pack up my feelings that were frankly oozing out all over the place since I’d decided to confront them, and put them in a box and wait for my heart to forget all about being in love with him. And quite frankly, there was only one way to do that. I was going to have to take a leaf out of my boss’ book and do the same thing he had when he hadn’t been thinking romantic thoughts about me. I was going to have to find someone to love, if only for the night, through an app. How utterly un-romantic...
Dad patted my knee, “It’ll be fine, son. I know a short-cut.”