I glanced at
the clock on my bedside cabinet. Five to seven. Time to get up.
I sat up and
grinned as I saw the door of my bedroom open slightly.
Silently, my
new kitten, Fozzy, jumped up onto my bed and came stepping over my legs to
nuzzle my face with his.
boy.” I stroked him and was rewarded with a loud purr. “What do you reckon,
huh? Think by some miracle he’ll realise that he feels the same way?”
He purred
even louder. I sighed. I didn’t know and it was terrifying. I knew he loved me
as his best friend – but anything more than that? Well, it didn’t matter
anymore. I had to tell him how I felt. I guess I’d know by lunch time what that
would do to our friendship…
Liam... Kiss The Boy... Out Now!
Liam... Kiss The Boy... Out Now!
Ben threw himself down on the
ground, “Wow, look at that,” He said pointing up at the sky, “It’s a really
clear night – look at all those stars!”
I got down and lay next to him,
“Oh, yeah.” I murmured. I reached for his other hand and laced my fingers
through his, “Isn’t it beautiful?”
He turned to me and nodded, his
eyes sparkling in the light that was only being provided by the full moon above
us, “Yeah.” He whispered, stroking my face with the hand he’d been pointing out
the stars with, “So beautiful.”
I frowned. Was he still talking
about the sky? Time to find out, “What is?” I asked a little flirtatiously,
To my amazement and joy, he
nodded slowly, “You’ve always been beautiful.” He said with a smile, “And you
know it too.”
I smiled shyly at him, my heart
beginning to pick up speed, “It’s still nice to hear you say it.” I said a
little breathlessly.
He shifted position so he was
leaning on his elbow and resting his head on his hand, “Why do you put up with
me?” he asked.
I frowned up at him. Was that a
trick question? “Uh?”
He sighed, “You know what I mean.
Going out with all these girls when I’ve got you?”
Was this his big reveal? I didn’t
know what to say, “But we’re just mates.” I said hoarsely.
He raised his eyebrows, “Are we?”
he said, “Don’t you want to kiss me right now?”
Ross... Are We Good...? Out Now!
I couldn’t actually believe my bad luck. I swear –
my mother’s timing was worse than bad. We were just trying to bide our time
until we went to uni in the autumn. We’d both be eighteen by then and had
decided that we’d come out to them both – as adults – so they couldn’t really
argue… And we’d be doing it together…
I’d had a bit of a thing for Dakota ever since I
first laid eyes on him back when we were around fourteen and his school’s
football team came to play against mine.
I wasn’t captain back then – I’d only really
joined the team because my best mate, George, played and he talked me into it.
I can’t deny that at first I was completely intimidated with all those guys.
Being naturally shy – and discovering that I was actually more attracted to
guys than girls – I was a little afraid that everyone would instinctively know
I was gay and I’d be kicked off the team. As luck would have it, the PE teacher
happened to also be gay and he had a zero tolerance policy for homophobic
behaviour or for any other sort of bullying for that matter.
The first time I saw Dakota, I don’t really know
how to describe how I felt – kind of like all the oxygen had been sucked out of
the room. My heart started to beat really fast and I felt really hot. He was so
damned beautiful it was quite ridiculous. I was actually quite angry with him
for making me feel so out of control – I’d never felt that way before.
And he was so damned good at the sport too – he
was, by far, the best player on their team – and yet he was so modest too. He
never celebrated stupidly over scoring a goal – just ran off with a smile on
his face as all the rest of his teammates jumped on each other and patted him
on the back. His aloofness was what really intrigued me. I romantically thought
of him as a lone wolf. A guy that couldn’t be tamed – one that would never be
Gabriel... Equal Measures... Out Now!
Gabriel... Equal Measures... Out Now!
So, Jude had disappeared off to play hide and seek with Sam and his friends, Steve was sitting chatting to his girlfriend at the time and my eyes were darting all over the garden looking for Brooklyn. Where the hell had he gone?
I spun around and found myself staring up in his gorgeous blue eyes, “You
scared me!”
smiled and took a mouthful of his beer. “Sorry.” He said lazily. “If you’re
looking for your boyfriend, he’s squealing like a girl over there with your
little brother and his mates.”
chuckled. “Jude is my cousin – not my boyfriend and I wasn’t looking for him.” I was looking for you…
eyes widened slightly, “Really?” he frowned, “Then why did Steve tell me he
shrugged; my heart beating a little faster at his closeness, “No idea – maybe
he was winding you up.” Why would he do
He murmured with a little frown. He took a step closer, “Madison?” he asked.
breath hitched as I looked up to find his face ever so close to mine – so close
in fact that I was able to feel his breath on my face. “Yes?”
shook his head, “This is gonna sound so weird.” He mumbled.
I whispered.
I kiss you?” he asked softly.
jaw dropped. What the hell was he doing, asking if he could kiss me? He was
straight, wasn’t he? Still… Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth and
having an instant woody at the very thought of tangling tongues with such a
beautiful guy, I nodded, “Yes.” I breathed, “Course you can.”
brushed his lips so gently against mine it was like a whisper on the wind.
Madison... Some Kind of Paradise... Out Now!
I fished out my mobile and scrolled through
the contacts until I found the one person who would be able to sort my head
out… My nearest and dearest cousin, Madison.
“I need you. I need coffee and I need
chocolate.” I blurted out desperately.
“Mm-hmm.” I could see him in my mind’s eye
nodding and stroking his chin thoughtfully, “Do you also need a big fluffy
pillow, a foot massage and a box set of Ugly Betty?”
“Yes.” I wailed down the phone.
He chuckled, “Come on over, I’ll put the
kettle on.”
I knocked on his door and he immediately
answered, gathering me in and fussing over me, “Oh, babe.” He said, “You look
so stressed out – what’s the matter?”
I allowed him to usher me through to the
kitchen and I pulled out one of the chairs at the large kitchen table which
dominated the room, “Oh, God.” I put my head in my hands and groaned.
Madison came hurrying back across the room,
armed with two hot chocolates – with extra marshmallows on mine to give me a
boost – and sat down opposite me, “You’re freaking me out now, babe,” he said,
“What is it?”
I shook my head and looked up at him, “I
may have a crush – on someone I have no business having a crush on.”
His eyes almost popped out of his head, “A
girl?” he asked incredulously. I nearly spat my chocolate across the
table, “No!” I spluttered, “Don’t be ridiculous!”
He grinned, “Well, who then?”
“Lachlan O’Shea.” I breathed, “He’s
Jude... Without You... Available Now!

“I won’t be
tied down.” I argued indignantly, “Me and Kayleigh are totally cool with being
together – it’s what couples in love do.”
He sighed
and I knew he didn’t believe me. “Well, okay – fine – but you’re having your
stag weekend in Magalluf.”
I rolled my
eyes. No doubt he, Justin and Brad would be getting off with girls left, right
and centre – well not me. I was quite happy with the one I’d got, thanks...
“Fine – when do we go?”
“In a
fortnight – that gives you a week to recover before the big day.”
I nodded,
“Sure, fine.”
Kayleigh was
going to a spa with her girlfriends for a four-day weekend – and Harry had
decided that the ‘lads’ were going to Magalluf at the same time. I think I’d
have preferred to go to the spa...
Angel... Looking for Trouble... Available now!

We both had a few shots and then we started to
dance with each other.
Jordan kept brushing his fingers against mine and
staring into my eyes as we danced. I guess I was staring right back into his to
notice them so much. His eyes were almost black in the dim lighting of the
Why did I feel like this? We were best friends –
nothing more and we never had been… but he was looking at me and I was looking
at him and suddenly, with the alcohol coursing through my veins, I wanted
nothing more than to be kissed by him and to kiss him right back… but why? This
had never happened before while I was
Best Boyfriend Ever... Available Now!

“Oh, wow.”
The other one breathed, “I thought he was into motor sport, I had no idea he
could move like that.” He was quite clearly admiring what he was seeing.
I frowned. Leo? Okay so there had to be more than
one Leo on the planet, but put together with the rest – being a chef at the
only restaurant in Stoney Croft? And being into motorsport? Well, it was just
too much of a coincidence. I turned around slowly and followed the line of
sight that the guys behind the bar were looking – with their tongues hanging
out of their mouths.
My stomach
nearly dropped through my arse, “Oh, holy hell.” I breathed as I took in the
writhing sexy body wrapped around the pole on the central podium, “Leo...?”
Brad leaned
across and whispered in my ear, “So, what about him?” he nodded towards Leo, “It
looks to me by that expression on your face that you wanna spend the night
dancing with him?” he chuckled.
I didn’t
have to even think about it, “Definitely.” I said, “I don’t want anyone else.” I never have...
Micha... Racing Hearts... Available Now!
I could hear someone singing softly on the next aisle from where I was stood. He seemed to only be singing the verses to the song – as if he wanted someone to chime in with the chorus... well, I was happy to oblige. I waited until he came to the end of the next line and then I started to softly sing the chorus. I stopped and waited to see if he’d continue the song.
He did. This was kind of fun. I pulled out a book and peered through the bookshelf. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I found myself eye-to-eye with Jules....
Mum always reckoned that if she could stop singing and someone carried on the song – they were totally in tune with you – like you had a connection... and I was pretty damned sure I had a connection with Jules...
Making him see that while he was still nursing a broken heart was gonna be a challenge... I could see that but I was also willing to give it a go...
I still wasn’t sure if I was in love with Jules – or in love with the idea of being in love with Jules – and I guess I was never gonna find out unless I took the bull by the horns and asked him out.
“Hi,” I said, “What are you doing in here?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Why shouldn’t I be in here?’ he asked, “I like poetry.”
It was my turn to raise an eyebrow, “Poetry?”
He nodded, “Why, what’s on your side?”
I looked at the shelves. I hadn’t really been taking much notice – I’d followed the sound of his beautiful voice if I was gonna be completely honest. “Motorcross and uh, BMXing.”
He nodded, “Wow.” He said, “You’re into that?”
I swallowed hard and shook my head, “Not really.” I admitted with my heart slamming against my ribs painfully, “But I’m into you.”
Chas... I Need A Little Time...
Available for Pre-ordering Now! Release date 1st December 2016.

He did. This was kind of fun. I pulled out a book and peered through the bookshelf. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I found myself eye-to-eye with Jules....
Mum always reckoned that if she could stop singing and someone carried on the song – they were totally in tune with you – like you had a connection... and I was pretty damned sure I had a connection with Jules...
Making him see that while he was still nursing a broken heart was gonna be a challenge... I could see that but I was also willing to give it a go...
I still wasn’t sure if I was in love with Jules – or in love with the idea of being in love with Jules – and I guess I was never gonna find out unless I took the bull by the horns and asked him out.
“Hi,” I said, “What are you doing in here?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Why shouldn’t I be in here?’ he asked, “I like poetry.”
It was my turn to raise an eyebrow, “Poetry?”
He nodded, “Why, what’s on your side?”
I looked at the shelves. I hadn’t really been taking much notice – I’d followed the sound of his beautiful voice if I was gonna be completely honest. “Motorcross and uh, BMXing.”
He nodded, “Wow.” He said, “You’re into that?”
I swallowed hard and shook my head, “Not really.” I admitted with my heart slamming against my ribs painfully, “But I’m into you.”
Chas... I Need A Little Time...
Available for Pre-ordering Now! Release date 1st December 2016.