
Saturday, 15 September 2012

"The one that got away..."

I was listening to Paloma Faith's 'picking up the pieces' song on the radio the other day, and I was inspired to write a book about Rachel, a young woman who loses her husband in a car accident when she's only twenty five and he's twenty eight...
I've gotten started and it's coming on nicely - might have it finished early next year, but I can't promise anything since I've got books stacking up waiting to get out there!
I've almost finished "If I can't have you" and that's going through the lengthy process of editing - also doesn't have a front cover yet.
I'm doing alright with Red Button too - again I'm reckoning on early 2013 for a release date - things are way too busy at the moment!
And don't expect to see the Wolf Moon any time soon - I've lost the plot on it completely at the moment, so I'm leaving it a while to see what comes back to me!
Anyway - it's a lovely day today, sunny and warm - there won't be many days like this left in the year - make the most of it! Laters xxx

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Red Button update

Phew - my little fingers have been going like bee's wings today!
I'm really enjoying writing my latest Seltham Community College book, about the Delgardio triplets.
Angelica has a thing about Karl, the bass player of the Red Button band, Ricardo is enjoying his new found status of heartthrob a little too seriously and it being a bit of a tart...and Antonio is trying to hold it all together....
Have just finished my favourite bit of the book so far - a night out that starts out fun, and ends up a bit of nightmare with Toby being stuck on the roof of a hotel and Antonio and Karl having to rescue him...
I would expect that I'll have got this one round about finished at the end of next month, with a release date of November 2012. Well, that's the plan at the moment - of course there are other books that are clamouring to get out there too, so watch this space for more updates!