
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Midnight Moon, Stan and Amethyst...

I've been working on this Vampire/Shape-shifter book this week and I've finally got to a point that I'm happy with.
I'm hoping to start getting it edited soon and then I need to create the front cover etc.
Should be published towards September.
Stan, Remember Me is also finished and will be published next month and I will then start work on Amethyst's Dating Game for November and Stan, New Beginnings too.
Also I'm getting on very well with my new website, which will be up and running very soon. I'm very busy writing short stories about the characters to give you more background information, which will be available to read on the web site for free.
I shall write again soon!
Oh - just one more thing - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 3D - never has there been a better Harry Potter movie - I cried through most of it!!!!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Smashwords Summer Sale

All of my books are reduced in the Smashwords Summer Sale - 25% off the list price.
"Friends" and Zoe's First Date with Fate" are free during the sale period. The Sale lasts from 1st to 31st July 2011 so check it out.
Here's the link to my page:-

Friday, 1 July 2011

Stan nominated for Global Ebook Award

I'm soooooo excited!!!
Have been given the news this morning that my Ebook Stan has been nominated for a Global Ebook Award!
This is the best news ever!!!!

I'll keep you posted if I get any further in the competition!