
Thursday, 30 June 2011

Ebook Awards

Wish me luck - I've entered Stan in the Ebook Awards. I'll let you know if I get nominated!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Stan, Remember Me...

Getting really close to finishing this book now and I've already made a start on the last one of the trilogy.I've uploaded trailers for the first two of my books about Stan to YouTube and also for Becky's Diary and Julia's Horoscopes. I plan to do trailers for all of the Seltham Community College series and I'm working on the illustrations now. I will also do them for Re:Vamp and Eternally Yours.
The next books that I'm working on will be The Chosen One and Midnight Moon and I'm really getting quite excited about starting them.
Check out the video's on YouTube - I add them as I get them done. Just type my name into the search and they all come up.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

got my tickets!!!!

I've got my tickets for Harry Potter on opening night!!!
Going to see the 3D version!!!
Can't wait!!!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Harry Potter grande finale July 2011

I can't tell you how excited I am about the new Harry Potter movie. I am going along to Showcase tomorrow to pre-order my tickets :D
I'm going to get Premier seating and I'm going to love it!!!!
Harry Potter is my all time hero!!!!!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Stan, Remember me...

This one is coming along nicely now - I've got about three-quarters of the way through and I've also written the final two chapters of the last one in the trilogy which I am very pleased with.
I've just got to fill in the all the blanks now!
As soon as my Stan trilogy is finished, my next target it to finish off The Chosen One, which I still pick up and have a go at every now and then.
After that, I plan to finish Amethyst's Dating Game and I really should go back to Three Wishes too...but I've started writing one called Midnight Moon and I'm very excited about it....dilemmas!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Back from my holidays...

I have been away to Dorset with my lovely family for the past week and haven't been able to update my blog - no internet access arghhhhh!!!!
However, with all that spare time, I was able to read through my books and I have updated everything and uploaded new versions of all my books to Smashwords.
I also re-discovered a book that I started writing a long time ago and have thought up a different angle so I'm enjoying writing that at the moment - this one will be called Midnight Moon...
Still working on all my other projects at the same time of course - I never stop!
I'll write again very soon.